Mycology 101 intro into mycelium.

We Educate University will be a leader in providing viable solutions and research and development on the Mycelium Network. What is mycelium? Mycelium is part of the fungi kingdom and is the network of threads, called hyphae, from which mushrooms grow. ... Mycelia are most prevalent in fields, forests, and heavily wooded areas. Its hyphae, a network of web-like structures that form mycelium, secrete enzymes to break down food sources to be used by the organism. THIS CLASS WILL GIVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING!



Fungi often develop long threads which carry on subdividing. This can lead to an extensive underground network. That can be extremely useful to all kinds of plants and animals.

One spore is enough

A mycelium is a network of fungal threads or hyphae. Mycelia often grow underground but can also thrive in other places such as rotting tree trunks. A single spore can develop into a mycelium. The fruiting bodies of fungi, such as mushrooms, can sprout from a mycelium.

Heroes of the earth

Mycelia are of vital importance to the soil. They break down organic material, making its raw materials available again for use in the ecosystem. On top of this, 92% of plant families interact with fungi. This kind of symbiosis is termed mycorrhiza. Hyphae are also an important source of food for insects and other invertebrates.

The world’s largest

Its mycelium can allow a fungus to occupy an enormously large area. A fungus, with mycelium, that lives in the Blue Mountains in Oregon in the USA occupies ten square kilometres. This makes it the largest organism in the world.

Healthy soil life

Mycelia have other important functions and uses. Agricultural production is for example largely dependent on the condition of the soil. If there is no interaction with fungi, plants grow far less well. Fungi are also used to break down toxic substances, such as pesticides and petroleum products, to filter water (mycofiltration) and even as the raw material for packaging. -

Frequently Asked Questions about Mushrooms

Q. Can I eat it?
A. Probably not. Of the 69,000 species of fungi about 250 species are considered good delicious edibles. Another 250 species can kill you– or at least make you wish you were dead. Everything else is something in between– from some that are “sort of ok tasting if there’s nothing else to eat and you’re starving in the woods” to some that are “just too bitter or taste too bad to eat,” or some that are too small or too tough to eat or that have something else wrong with them.

Q. I have lots of mushrooms on my property. What can I do with them?

A. Some people do not like mushrooms, and even want to get rid of them, but you will not hear that from anyone who knows about them. Most mushrooms are good for our soil, degrading waste products and returning them to the ground. Even more important are the mushrooms that are associated with trees as mycorrhizae. Without this mutualistic association most trees would not survive. Killing these fungi would kill the trees.

Q. How about the fungi growing in my bark mulch or wood chips? Are those important as well?
A. Most of these fungi are near impossible to get rid of without completely replacing the mulch and paving over the yard. Find a way to enjoy the fungi in your yard. Show them off to your friends or cultivate a fungus garden. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to show off something unusual in your yard?

Mycology 101 intro into mushrooms

Instructor Chief Minister Amir Caliph El Bey Guest Instructor Shaman Oskii Chevanier of 11HyHolistic LLC
The Shaman, holds four generations of Jamaican herbalism knowledge, combined with 30 years of hands on cannabis experience. Oskii is a plant-based Nutritionist and believes Optimal wellness lies in the application of a wholistic plant based lifestyle not any single pill ,herb, or supplement.

His company, 11HyHolistic LLC strives to uplift communities and educate its residents with in person and creative digital content about plant based nutrition and cannabis caregiving , and herbal apothecary consultation services, STEAM Curriculums, urban garden startups, indoor hemp cultivation education, among other things . Oskii will consult and teach anyone at any age to enjoy achieving optimal Health and Wellness And to move closer to a sustainable plant based lifestyle .


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